Frequently Asked Questions




The human body is an amazing machine. It's designed to be self-regulating and it's extremely adept at healing itself - so why should we need to have someone else help our bodies heal? Because the human body is not designed to deal with the factors of modern life: driving cars, texting, talking on the phone, staring at screens, sitting in cars, typing on keyboards. Even so-called "healthy," activities such as cycling, using a stair climber, elliptical machine, or treadmill, are all man-made, modern "conveniences," that have only been in existence for a few decades. The human body has not had the time to evolve and adapt the proper mechanisms to handle these lifestyle changes. Fascial stretch therapy is a proactive measure you can take to protect your body against the damaging effects of our many lifestyle stressors, ensuring that it stays strong and resilient. 



Fascia is the spider web-like connective tissue found in, around, and between the joints, muscles, and ligaments, and it is the most prevalent tissue in the body. You can think of it like a sausage casing around your muscles. The health and function of your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain, and spinal cord are all a direct result of the condition of your fascia. FST® helps to "unwind," or loosen fascia, which is full of nerves, reducing pressure between joints, and the pain associated with it, while releasing joint-lubricating synovial fluid that improves the flexibility of muscles.


Fascia is like a sausage casing around your muscles. When you only stretch the muscle they may feel loose for an hour or even a few days, but will eventually tighten back up because the casing, the fascia, is still tight. Unlike traditional stretching or bodywork, which typically works on muscles alone, FST® engages the entire myofascial system - targeting muscles as well as their neighboring joints, ligaments, tendons, bones, and, of course, the fascial casing.



Treating a soft-tissue injury can, at times, be uncomfortable. However, the use of Graston® instruments allows the clinician to better administer the level of pressure applied. While bruising is not the intent, bruising & soreness can occur during treatment. Graston® clinicians are trained to recognize these symptoms and adjust treatment intensity to minimize their occurrence, while realizing the benefits of the technique. 

Graston®Technique does not need to be considered "painful" to be effective. Please inform your clinician if you are experiencing discomfort anytime during treatment.


will FST hurt? 

Fascial Stretch Therapy® is a pain-free, relaxing, easy and convenient form of bodywork. Clients stay fully-clothed and relaxed as the trained clinician performs the manual assisted stretching techniques tailored to your specific needs. There is no use of massage oils or creams. Clients will leave their session feeling renewed, relaxed and mobile. 

How long will the cupping marks last?

The coloring following cupping therapy ranges from bright red to a darker purple and can typically last for 3 - 10 days.


Can i shower with kinesiotape / rock tape on?

Both types of tape can be worn during bathing and water sports (just gently pat dry; do not scrub) & can be worn up to 3 days. If any adverse reactions occur (itchy skin, rash development or discomfort), please remove the tape & notify your clinician.